There can be several reasons for this.
First of all, it is important to know that disc brakes drag for the first 20 - 40 kilometres. This is completely normal as they are self-adjusting. So if you have only just started using your Egret, don't let this put you off. You will notice how the brake gradually adjusts itself.
However, if you have been travelling with your Egret for some time and the brakes have recently started to behave differently, please first check whether they are dirty. Dirt can accumulate on them, especially in damp weather, but you can easily remove it.
Incidentally, it is not dramatic if the brakes get wet. Please be particularly careful then, because the braking behaviour can change, but as soon as they are dry again, you will have the usual braking behaviour again.
If your brakes are not dirty, please check whether the brake pads are worn. If this is the case, please replace them immediately so that you can continue to ride safely. You can find the spare parts for this on our website, where you can also find the replacement instructions. If you don't have the confidence to replace them yourself, please take a look at our dealer search for our partners in your area. There is sure to be someone there who offers service.
If your brakes are neither dirty nor worn and still do not provide the usual braking performance, you should bleed them. You can find the bleeding kit on our website. Please note that this comes without brake fluid and is not available from us. We recommend hydraulic oil for brakes, but not DOT 4.
If your brakes have recently started to drag, it may well be that the brake disc is bent. It then needs to be straightened urgently or - if it is very badly bent - replaced. Please let us know if this is the case so that we can provide you with the appropriate instructions.
Alternatively, you can also contact our service partners here.